화요일, 2월 01, 2005

델리만쥬 (Deli Manjoo)

The subway stations here in Seoul are massive, the stations in which one makes transfers are particularly massive. So massive are they, that while walking from one line to the next, one often becomes famished. In response to this, a cottage industry of subway foodstuffs has sprung up. At the forefront is Delimanjoo!
I have only seen this snack avalible in the subway stations of Seoul Korea, which in my opinion, makes them one of the most unique foodstuffs I've come across ever.

A sack of Deli Manjoo. This retails for 3,000 won if memory serves me correctly.

A Deli Manjoo. It's a twinkie like cake product filled with a cream similar to the cream found inside a Boston cream doughnut.

And because I'm all about giving you kids stuff to kill time with, here's Deli Manjoo's homepage. They have an "English" version that is interesting on it's own...even without the footage of the Deli Manjoo machine!