수요일, 2월 16, 2005

Where In The World Is Bruce K. Grant?

Since I started doing calligraphy, I have been studying 漢字 (Chinese characters) a lot more. To my knowledge there is one book that teaches these characters in English using the Korean context. That book is the mighty, Guide To Korean Characters, written by Bruce K. Grant.
Who is Bruce K. Grant you ask. Behold the majesty that is Bruce K. Grant!

Bruce K. Grant

I think due to his picture alone (which appeared on the back of his book) I decided he was totally awesome. Anyhow I have several questions for Mr. Grant, and really want to meet him...maybe drink a couple beers with him. So Bruce K. Grant, if for some reason you happen to be reading this drop me a line. I have a question about why you chose to define "黑人" as "negro."