월요일, 1월 10, 2005

Engrish: Products

Play with this girl. (2004-10-18)

This toothpaste has the same opinion of math that I do. (2004-05-25)

Using this soap will make one moderately sexy. If used in conjunction with Gold D soap, the user will become an unstoppable sex machine...who is moderately sexy. Damn I should not have given away my secret! (2004-04-14)

This is the lid of the garbage can in my bathroom. I have no idea what the words on it mean. I do know, however, that I also feel like flowers some times...and when those times occur, it's time to stop drinking! (2004-04-10)

Man not only does A.G. Zzang (Irving's cousin?) have some creepy ass English, but his buddies are some creepy looking muthafuckas. I bet the guy that created these characters felt like flowers...insofar that he would make such drugged out looking characters. (2004-04-10)

What I would like would be some notebooks without crazy characters or hideous English posing as poetry. That's been my mission since coming and, I know that everyday this task will begin anew... (2004-04-07)

This was on the package a shower head came in. "Best-Top. best quality!!" Indeed! It's the top of cool! (2004-04-04)

This is Gold-D soap. The name alone is not that funny, unless you are Darrell or I. This is a fairly funny soap name since we use the letter "D" to refer to a certain part of the male anatomy. I wash my wash my D with Gold-D! (2004-03-09)

So I'm sitting in an alley while Darrell is getting his puke on when I notice a strange item...check it out. Here we see the new Hyundai (or Kia) "Van." When I saw this coming home one night I thought it was the name of the van...ie Nissan Pathfinder, or Ford Taurus, but later noticed that it said "Towner" on it, which is still a hella cheesy name. To me it will always be Van. (2004-03-07)

A notebook wishing me an untimely demise. As for this tomato man's mission...if it involves taking me out of commission damn right it's so so difficult! Punk! (2004-01-02)