Engrish: Signs and Advertisments
"You are my T King." I might be your T King, but you are my Engrish Queen. (2005-01-24)
Con House? This bar is apparently only for criminals. (2005-01-10)
I've reported on a lot of sketchy Korean pizza, but Cake Pizza?! Jesus Christ, what kind of country do I live in? (2005-01-10)
The Korean at the top reads, "Women's Secret." This clinic will help Korean ladies learn the fine art of bullshitting. (2004-12-06)
Woah dude...Fido's totally baked! (2004-12-06)
Blackglama? Apparently someone in Korea is teaching ebonics. (2004-12-06)
For those who can't read Korean, it says, "Sale. Exchange, Refund No! Cleavage."
Now that's a sale I could get exited about. Who needs refunds or exchanges when you're getting cleavage?! (2004-05-05)
That English is fuck(ed) up beyond all recognition. (2004-04-19)
In America we call it blue balls... (2004-04-19)
Thanks Choi Jong Mi for providing such ultimately lovely dentistry.... (2003-11-11)
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