일요일, 6월 12, 2005

Rock Show: Well, 몽니, Cloud Cuckoo Land

This evening I headed over to Ssamspace Baram to check out the bands listed above and recieve coffee. "Coffee?" you ask. Why yes, coffee. Most clubs here bestowe beverages upon ticket holders. Usually it is water, sometimes it's soda, once and awhile you'll get a brew, and today it was coffee. But that's not the weirdest part. While drinks are commonplace, snacks are not, but today in addition to some rockin' bands and free coffee, I recieved animal crackers! Not since kindergarten have I recieved animal crackers for randomly entering an area, but I digress. On with the rocking.

First up was Well. They played quasi-shoegazer rock jams, with a heavy emphasis on ballads, occassionally veering into bar band territory playing tunes and encouraging the audience to dance it up. The ladies in the audience ate it up.

Among the jams they played the busted out a cover of "Everybody's Changing," by Keane, as well as the Korean nationalism medley of "독도는 우리 땅," "Oh Pilsung Korea", and "아리랑."

Next up were Monni. I've seen them before, and the are fairly awesome. They play kind of atmospheric emo rock (sort of Death Cab For Cutie meets Radiohead).

Monni's bassist. She was rocking out hard.

Among their set was a cover of Radiohead's "2+2=5" (which was announced in Korean "이" as opposed "Two").

Cloud Cuckoo Land was next up. Some more atmospheric shoe-gazing rock and roll. The dude on the right had way to many effects pedals which was awesome.

Bassing it up.

More Radiohead was covered here, This time "High and Dry." Additionally they covered Smashing Pumpkins, "1979," (which was again introduced as "천구백칠십구년" as opposed to "ninteen sevety-nine").

After the show I chatted with some of the dudes from Cloud Cuckoo Land. I would seriously like to see some stats on the percentage of foreigners here who can speak Korean, since these lads (like everyone else I speak with) had serious eye-popping action when they realized I was speaking Korean.