화요일, 8월 09, 2005

百害無益: Hamburgers & Me (Day 11)

Today I went to go revisit my past, paying a visit to the taekwondo school I spent a good chunk of my life, and ultimately lead to me studying Korean (and by result ending up here). Visiting the school really made me feel old. It's one thing to see my brother (who was in high school when I left) turn into a man, as he didn't have far to go, but to see elementary school kids I last saw two years ago was bizarre. I think it was just as odd for the students as well. Kids would look at me and do total double takes and be like, "What?! Is that Mr. Dunn?! Oh my god!"

Anyhow I met with some people and then offered to take my taekwondo master and his wife to dinner after classes.

With my taekwondo master. He can kick all of our asses at the same time.

At dinner he laid down all manners of "here's what you need with the lady / your life" wisdom. Some of the high points that I remember include:

* Bring presents when meeting my girlfriend's parents. Boxes of meat, cow tail, and shin bones are all good choices.
* Also drink what is given to me...this contradicts the following.
* Stop drinking (and apologize for doing so) before becoming drunk.

As for my life, he is under the impression that I should open a business of my own...which is not really my cup of tea, as running a business is far to time consuming, and I for one work to live, as opposed to living to work.

Anyhow it was good to see him and his wife, and to be called "새끼야" without malice or spite in it's delivery. Good times.